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Everyone wants to have a hair system that not only looks natural but also realistic. This is one of the very important factors while selecting a hair system. If it requires a blend of grey hair or shortening your hairstyle then your hair replacement stylist will match your hair system according to your age, facial shape, hair texture, hair color, and skin tone. For men, the stylist can lessen the amount of hair to match pattern baldness and overall thinning around the hair system that will be appropriate for your age.

Yes, we offer a customization service. We offer the best personalization service to create the hair system as per your requirements. You can design the hair material, texture, color, density, base construction, base size, hair direction, and base shape of your hair system. You can also visit our office for a consultation to have a better understanding.

When you reach out to us then we have your consultation and we will sort out all your queries. We will be frank and upfront about your expectations. We will provide you with different options and which will be best suited for you. Having immense knowledge in this field from the past many years we guarantee success for our process. We also have testimonials of many happy customers who have appreciated our services and products.

You can contact us on +91 966635222. Also, you can reach out to us by filling the contact form You can write to us at You can book an appointment and visit our office for a consultation. We will be happy to help you and sort out all your queries.

No, there is no need to shave the existing hair for hair fixing. Only the portion with hair loss is shaved off and the patch is fixed to the hair loss area. The remaining hair remains as it is and the haircut is done for the hairstyling. You can opt for exercise, swimming, yoga, and play various other games after fixing your hair wigs. One of the things you don’t want to happen while swimming is losing your wig while swimming. We guarantee that the hair attachment ways provided by us aren’t at risk of slipping off when in contact with water.

No, a hair patch is not harmful as it is a non-surgical hair fixing method. There would be no allergies if the service is done at least once a month. In this, the service hair patch is taken off and is cleaned thoroughly. Head wash is done properly and then oil massage is given. The cleaned hair patch is again pasted to the scalp. It will not affect your original hair and also your scalp.

No, it is not permanent. A hair patch is like artificial skin on which natural hair is planted. It is fixed on the bald portion of the head either by Clipping, weaving, or hair bonding. There are different types of hair patches like Human Remy hair, Machine-made, and Mix of machine-made and human hair. The life of a hair patch depends upon how much care and maintenance you take of it. 

All the methods of bonding, patching, and weaving are free from any type of side effects. There are no surgical things involved in this and there are no medications. There is no pain or scar in this hair-fixing procedure. All these processes are well tested on all skin types. To avoid any type of allergies, as we paste the hair patch on the bald head area, we advise you to come for the service at least once a month. You can also do the service by yourself with the self-service kit.

We offer micro ring hair extensions which are permanent and removable daily wear temporary. We have extensions of all types, lengths, and colors. The different types of extensions are Straight, Wavy, and Curly. You can visit our hair extensions page for more details. You can also reach out to us at any time in case of any queries.

There are 3 types of hair fixing services that can be done as per the needs of the customers.

Hair Bonding – This type of hair fixing method is not self-removable and needs service every month.

Hair Weaving – There is a knot weft made in the existing hair strands of the customers.

Hair Clipping – Clips will be fixed under the hair patch and will be interlocked with the existing hair.

The simplest way to get a consultation is to get an appointment booked for yourself so that our hair loss experts can cater all your queries and requirements. In case a physical visit is not possible for you then you can also opt for a virtual consultation. If you plan to visit our clinic then we will ask you a set of consultation questionnaires for a better understanding.

Patches, weaves, wigs, and many more. There have been a lot of options that have been created over the past few years. One such option is known as hair fixing. This procedure is designed for achieving 100% results of having a head full of hair in very severe stages of balding. If you are in a higher stage of damage and still looking to get a head full of hair then this option is definitely for you.

Many people try to get the solution most simply. Changing food habits, using hair lotions or hair oils, and changing lifestyles are all the methods that one tries. But according to the research, all the non-clinical solutions are considered to be temporary solutions. After trying all these temporary solutions, individuals realize that something serious is to be looked into. You can schedule an appointment with us to help you understand in detail and sort out all your queries.

Most of the procedures are not painful. It is rather anxiety and fear of pain that makes you more discomforting. The procedure brings some change and this change brings more anxiety. Our team is well-trained people and professionals who have been well trained to render you the best services and help the process of this change very smoothly.

Most of the people who suffer from breakage of hair have a very poor nutritional cycle with regards to food that one intakes. If you opt for the wrong products for the scalp which might have chemicals that can also cause hair breakage. Wrong styling tools and combing may also cause this issue. The in-depth details can be understood with a personalized meeting and having a professional hair check done. You can reach out to us any time and we will be happy to assist you with all your questions and queries.

We would ask for your hair samples to determine the texture of hair. If you don’t want to opt for your texture then you can opt for anything that you like. If you have ethnic hair then we can use a sample of ethnic straight hair if you prefer for this texture. If you want to opt for curls then you can send the samples along with the curl pattern that is selected. If you are planning to use a full cap and you do not have existing hair for the samples then you can contact us and we will be happy to help you.

We ensure to offer the best service, the best price and best product for our customers. We have thousands of happy customers and their testimonials that speak about Bglam and the best services that are rendered by us. This is not just a business for us but we render the best services as a mission. We know how it feels to have hair and how it can boost your confidence to the next level. We always want to make you happy and offer the best assistance. We are always delighted to help our customers with queries.

Hair systems cannot last forever. On average there is a need to have a hair system every three months or so. Human hair will eventually become brittle and dryer without the body’s natural oils to protect it. The hair will be more vibrant if the hair system is new. The products of Bglam have a lifespan ranging from 1 month to over 1 year. The more affordable options are provided by Bglam, it is best to replace them as your budget allows.

Achieving a natural look can be considered an important thing for wig-wearers. Particular practices and wig types can help to achieve this. Choose a hair wig that suits your face and opt for the most natural-looking wig cap. Always opt for a human hair wig over a synthetic wig. Monofilament wigs and Lace front wigs are one of the best wigs that will give you the most natural look. It acts as a natural-looking hairline and is undetectable which helps the wearers to achieve an amazing look.

Buying a wig can be considered very tedious work and knowing what to look for when buying a wig can be indeed very useful. Here are the things that you should consider:

We know the importance of selecting a wig when it is for the first time. You can book an appointment with us and we are always happy to offer our expertise for buying the best wig for you.

It seems that every wig is built the same from the appearance of each wig. There are many different features of each wig that make them very unique. The most comfortable wig varies from person to person. Some of the most comfortable wigs are as defined below:

Full Lace wigs – Full lace wigs are 100% hand-made wigs and are more realistic to look at. In this, every hair strand is sewn carefully onto the cap of the wig by making use of a hand-knotting process. This wig is preferred by many people for its beautiful features.

360 Lace wigs – It is a half handmade and half machine-made wig that provides a natural-looking hairline. It is fully designed with sheer lace that covers the hairline from beginning to end.

Microfilament wigs offer the best reasonable and uniform hairline. These wigs are good for ladies with diminishing hair since these wigs are made by separately sewing hair strands legitimately into the segments at the top piece of the wig top. The top of the wig is known as monofilament and is made up of superb and sheer material. Lace front wigs also give the presence of real hairlines. You can match any type of wig with a lace front that will give you a natural look. You can make it a ribbon front to give it a quality of realness. 

Hair wig tape is used for the hair replacement system like the hair extension and hair patch. This is a double-sided self-adhesive tape. It provides a very long time holding and gives a very natural look. This tape is waterproof and has no side effects, infection, or itching. We provide a wide variety of hair wig tape which is as given below:

  • Lace front tape
  • No shine tape
  • Extenda bond plus
  • Ultra hold tape
  • Sensi tak

There are two types of hair wigs: Permanent and Temporary.

Permanent – They get fixed for the tenure of 25 to 35 days.

Temporary – They can be removed and fixed daily.

The non-surgical hair fixing method is very safe and delivers the best result. There are no risks involved in this treatment. This treatment is not too expensive but delivers natural-looking and long-lasting results. The hair which is attached during the treatment looks like natural hair. Your expert will suggest a hair system that will match your hair color and hair type. It is a very safe method in which the hair system is attached to the scalp during the treatment and is made from original hair that will last for a longer time.

In Bglam Hair Studio, a hair patch is developed by using high-quality Remy hair and is an excellent option to cover the bald section of the head. The hair patch is completely tangle-free due to the similar direction of the hair cuticles. The cost of the hair patch is around Rs. 6000 to Rs. 12000. There are different types of patches available and the prices for them vary accordingly. Those patches are Monofilament hair patch, Front lace hair patch, Full lace hair patchFrench lace hair patch, Women hair patches, Monofilament women hair patches, and Miraj hair patch.

Hair transplant looks completely natural if it is done with proper care maintaining direction and density. It can be considered as a surgical technique that will move the hair follicles from one part of your body to the balding part. To get the desired look and desired results the surgery should be done by well-experienced surgeons. The healthy hair follicles are extracted and then transplanted to the bald or thinning area. Once the surgery is completed then you will have natural-looking hair that will not need any extra precautions or cure.

Yes, we can repair your existing hair system even though it was purchased from somewhere else. You can either send us your hair system or visit our studio. We will quote you a price accordingly depending on the condition of the hair system. You must have another hair system available for use since this service can take some time. You can also chat and call our hair expert to share your concerns with him. We will be always happy to help you out with all the queries.

If you are not taking care of the hair patch or using it too roughly then it will last for only 3 months. The best quality hair system patch will last for 6 to 10 months before having to replace it. The lifespan of a hair patch might differ from product to product. The hair system in Bglam Hair Studio is made using Remy human hair. The finishing of the hair system is done by knitting the hair on the base. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind for prolonging hair system lifestyle:

  • Opt for high-quality conditioners.
  • Brush your hairpiece with a safe brush
  • Sleep on a silk pillowcase that will avoid friction from tangling your hair system.

Yes, Bglam hair systems are made of 100 percent human hair. All the hair wigs are 100% pure human hair and the cuticles are aligned in such a way that they come in a natural texture. This is the prime reason that hairpieces look natural, soft, and are very easy to design. The base of the hair system takes the exact shape of the head. This can be considered as the most natural-looking hair system as it appears that the hair is growing directly from the scalp. Such types of hair wigs are called full lace that gives an illusion of real hair that is growing from the real skin.

Below are the ways that will help you to maintain your hair extensions and wigs:


  • It is advised to wash your wig after about 30 wears.


  • Use wig care products and wig shampoo that are designed specifically for wig fibers.


  • Use a wig conditioner that will help to soften the dryness and bring out the mobility of the fiber.


  • Opt for serum or non sticky oil


  • Comb or brush your hair wigs with a very gentle hand.


  • Use a hair dryer if it is required.

Yes, you can apply hair color or dye to your hair patches or wigs. Whatever dye you are using, has to be in a darker shade than the wig you are dying. Not only fashion but also hair color can also change to suit your mood. You can opt for the same developer, the same hair dye, and the same tools to dye your wig as your normal hair. It is important to remember that once you dye your wig, you can’t opt for the lighter shade to change the tone. Hair dye will not work on your synthetic wigs.

Wigs can be worn for up to six weeks but it is advised that they should be removed regularly to take care of your natural hair and hair wig. It also depends on the maintenance and cares that you take for your wig. Generally, hairpieces or hair wigs can last for about one and a half to two years. It is not bad to wear your wig every day if you take care of your natural scalp and hair. As per the wig experts, it is advised not to sleep in your wig. It is important to take your wig off each night so that your hair and scalp can breathe.

Yes, hair wigs can be customized and restyled as per your needs. You can easily choose a hairstyle by having an expert stylist with experience in wig cutting. You must make sure to get the expert to cut the wig when you are wearing it. The wigs that are offered are free-style hairpieces that allow you to make different types of hairstyles. It is advised that you do not use regular hair spray or gels, hair shampoo, conditioner on your wig as they can cause build-up on the wig that can shorten the lifespan of the wig.

Yes, you can opt for exercise, swimming, yoga, and play various other games after fixing your hair wigs. One of the things you don’t want to happen while swimming is losing your wig while swimming. We guarantee that the hair attachment ways provided by us aren’t at risk of slipping off when in contact with water. While you can wear swim caps to protect your hair while swimming. Keep your hair tied back when doing any type of exercise, yoga, swimming, or any other outdoor activity.

No, you won’t get an infection or face any problem after wearing a wig. Hair wigs that are offered by us are very safe to use. Silicon or top-quality polymer is used to make the base of the wig. This makes it very safe for the scalp and comfortable to wear. A wig is a head accessory that is made from synthetic fiber, human hair, or animal hair. Synthetic wigs are usually made from acrylic fibers or plastic that can replicate natural hair. A machine-made wig cap is made by sewing the wefts and the spaces between the wefts allow the air to flow directly to the scalp.

There are a variety of hair attachment ways that are provided by us. This includes clip, glue, hair wig tape, etc. A hair replacement system can be considered as a non-surgical procedure that can help to cover baldness with wigs or natural hair patches. Wig tape is considered the more scalp-friendly process when compared to wig glue. Wig clips can be considered as an easy-to-use and inexpensive way of securing the wigs. Being comfortable in your wig is very important to many wig wearers and depends upon person to person which attachment way you want to opt for.

This process is very easy to install and requires very little time for installation when compared to sew-in natural hair extensions. It takes an average of less than one hour to install the hair patches or wigs. Cutting, setting, and fixing hair wigs requires only an hour. You can customize your look by having our expert with experience in wig cutting that can help to trim and shape your wig. It is important to get the stylist to cut the wig when you are wearing it to match the particular face shape.

We make use of cutting-edge machines and modern technologies to thoroughly examine your level of baldness and scalp. We decide on a proper piece for you as per your baldness and size. Different factors such as stress, medications, and diet can lead to hair loss. Hair patches can be considered as the most common hairstyle for men that will help to cover bald spots. It will suit your needs as it will cover only the spots but not the entire head. You can opt for as many patches as you need as per the requirements.

No, the hair system will not affect the natural hair growing underneath it. All the adhesives that are used follow basic standards and have been tested and tried many times. Our hair expert will trim your natural hair occasionally to keep the area clear. It is always advised to use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner that will make the hair smooth and silky. B4 or Vitamin H can be very useful for essential hair growth.

Yes, you can use waxes, hair gels, and sprays to style the hair. To increase the life of the system, we will recommend you to use lightweight water-based products. If you use thick products then it might get stuck in the hair system which causes itching and might reduce the life of the system. Depending upon the type of hair, length, condition, and texture you can opt for both hair wax and dry wax spray. The gel is made up of a mixture of water, alcohol, and other ingredients whereas Wax is a natural-based product.

You can swim, shower and ride a bike and style your hair confidently with our hair systems. It is advised to do the maintenance weekly if the hair system is subjected to a lot of moments. There are very few limitations while wearing a hair system if they are placed with proper adhesives. You can essentially live your life as you would without it. It depends upon how you care for your hair system and the base material which is used for it. Anyone can wear a hair system irrespective of age, degree of hair loss, and hair type.

The hair systems provided by us are 100% hand made which is made from real human hair. A wig maker carefully knots each hair to the base. This is the reason why the process of making the hair system is very time-consuming. We usually take 2 to 4 weeks to manufacture it. Also keeping all the guidelines in mind, we take proper COVID-related precautions. We can also offer the rush service if you need it quicker from our end.

We can easily match the color of the hair system with natural hair. You can provide the samples from three different areas such as back, sides, temples, crown, top, or front. The process of providing samples is not difficult. We will be able to blend the color with your natural hair by using one sample only. Sunlight can be considered as the best option to make the right selection of color. Sometimes we can also opt to blend different similar shades to get the closest match. After collecting different samples, we match the hair system that is closest to your natural hair in terms of texture and color.

Our experts and technicians are always available to assist you with any difficulties and sort out your queries. But we would always want our clients to learn and maintain the hair system on their own. This will give them the feeling of independence and confidence to wear a particular hair system. You will find it a little complicated initially but will get used to it after some time. The process of maintenance will take hardly 30 to 45 minutes. If you are finding difficulties then you can approach us any time and we will be happy to help and assist you.

At a time, you can wear the hair system for a week. But it is recommended to remove and reapply it after every 2 to 3 weeks. If you have an oily scalp or have a very active lifestyle then it is advised to do the maintenance on the daily basis. The process of maintenance takes less than 30 minutes. There are some of the precautions that are to be taken from your end also. Sleeping while putting your hair wig is not recommended by hair experts.

The hair system can last from 3 months to 6 months depending on proper care and how well it is maintained. It is good to have a refusion session of the hair system after 3 to 4 weeks so that your scalp and hair are maintained in the best condition. Each hair system is very unique and individual durability varies from each other. It is always advised to change the hair system at least once or twice a year. Our specialist will advise you on a maintenance schedule so that the attachments and adhesives are performing well to avoid any wear and tear of the hair system.

The hair systems are made from 100% human hair. The hair systems made by us blend perfectly with your natural hair and seem to be real to see and touch. Even human hair wigs are made from virgin Remi hair. It does not cause any tangle and no shedding. They can be easily colored, permed, curled, restyled, and straightened without any worry about hair damage. Hair systems are also known as units, hairpieces, or toupees. Many people opt to wear hairpieces rather than opting for full wigs if the hair loss is towards the crown and top of their heads.

Yes, you can surely opt for our Hair Replacement procedure. The hairpieces that are offered by us are made from natural hair that can be easily placed and removed even at home. The entire hair system is bonded to the scalp and for this, two basic things are examined. Level of baldness and hair fall stage. Depending upon these two conditions, your bald area is covered with the hair wig and we will place a patch that is suitable for you. The hairline is not visible at the front and we can style your hair in a way you like.

A hair replacement system can be considered as the non-surgical hair loss solution option. It is one of the best alternatives to medications, hair transplants, and micro-grafts surgical hair restoration. It is the way to cover baldness with wigs or natural hair patches. It is the custom-made hairpieces that will make your hair head perfectly. This procedure is suitable for both men and women. The base for this is made from lightweight material and is breathable. Special tapes are used in the non-permanent attachment which needs to be replaced every few days.

A receding hairline can affect men and women of all ages. There are many factors involved such as health issues, stress, age, and family history. Losing hair can have a great impact on your confidence that will make you feel depressed or less attractive. Two of the best hair loss treatments are Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement. Firstly we need to understand what is the difference between both and what is the procedure involved. A hair transplant can be considered as a surgical procedure that involves moving hair from any part of the body to the bald portion of the head. The main objective of a hair transplant is to help the hair grow in the portion of the scalp which is not able to do so. It is a painless procedure as it is performed under local anesthesia. Hair Replacement is the procedure in which a thin transparent layer is attached to the scalp. The base is implanted with the hair follicles that can either be natural or synthetic. The person can easily customize it according to its own needs. This can be best explained with an example.


Suppose there is a person named Rahul who is 24 years of age who has a very low density of hair on the top side. In such cases, the most preferred option is a hair transplant. But hair transplant is not a good option for Rahul. As his back hair doesn’t consist of enough amount of hair strand and the upper area which is to be covered is very large. 


In Rahul’s case, though we remove 5000 to 10000 strands from the back, we will need 40,000 strands to cover the top area. This scenario is next to impossible with Hair Transplant. Hence the best suggestion for such cases is the combination of Hair Transplant and Non-surgical method (Hair Transplant + Non-Surgical). We suggest having a hairline transplant in such cases. Advantages of this method:


  • Natural and thick density can be achieved in the front.
  • For the back area, you can achieve a natural density with a non-surgical method.


Depending upon the transplanted density, the natural hair system is created naturally. As a result of this, you will get a natural uniform density. If you don’t want to do a hair transplant then you can opt for a non-surgical hair system. If you have any queries or help then you can reach out to us anytime.

Hello Folks!

Before finalizing which hair replacement studio or non – surgical hair replacement studio is prominent, please do research and consider the following :

1.) Availability of different kinds of hair systems, sizes, colors, different bases, etc.

2.) Cost of the hair replacement at these studios

3.) Availability of skilled technicians at these studios. Our experience says that the final output quality of using a hair system depends on the hair system quality + skill of the technician.

4.) The recurring maintenance cost of the hair system as the hair systems are supposed to be removed, cleaned, natural hair trimmed, and reapplied.

5.) Hygenic condition of the hair studio plays a very very important role

6.) The flexibility of the hair studio to offer service at your doorstep or availability of service at odd timings.

7.) Consistency in service quality, the behavior of the staff, etc. We found that some studios to gain business act positively with customers till the time a hair system is fixed. Once it is done they show their true colors.

8.) Finally, give importance to online reviews of the hair studios. not only the number of reviews but the quality of reviews as well. We at B- Glam Hair Studio believe in customer satisfaction is the most important virtue of our business.

Our technicians are highly trained and experienced to cater to different baldness issues.

We are a professional hair studio with industry-leading expertise and experience in the non-surgical hair replacement domain.

Please feel free to call us in case if you need to know further details about hair replacement techniques and the possible options for you.

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